500 Credit Scores OK

People don’t have low credit scores because they want to. Circumstances in life have forced many to fall behind on their payments, and, as a consequence, their credit scores have suffered. We have programs available for a variety of situations, including foreclosures, short sales and bankruptcy. Most will tell you that you have to wait many years to be able to buy a home or refinance. At American Home Loans, we have not forgotten that we’re in the business of service, and we look for programs that help our clients.

If one of these special circumstances has affected you due to loss of more than 20% of your income, loss of a job, or for medical reasons, we may be able to help. Many have used our program and now are paying less for their mortgage payment than what they were paying in rent. In other circumstances, we have been able to direct our clients on how to improve their credit scores to prepare for the purchase of a home in the near future. Remember, this is all possible for you and your family!

House with sunset in background
  • Foreclosures, Short Sales, Bankruptcy are all OK if caused by drop in income of 20% or more, or because of medical reasons
  • Scores between 500 and 580 require 10% equity, but we can help improve your scores
  • Scores 580 and up only ½% down payment program OK
  • Collections up to $2,000 OK
  • Medical Collections OK
  • OK If you have a Judgment or Lien but you are making payments